Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Swiss Connection in Switzerland

 The Land of the Alps, Switzerland is one of the most famous tourist destinations in the entire world. It is bordered by countries like Germany, France, Austria and Italy and offers some of the most panoramic views giving you ample opportunities to ski, fish, hunt and do some boating. No wonder, people rush to Switzerland for a grand holiday, with many movies shooting some of their best shots here. It is also one of the richest countries in the world with numerous people having Swiss accounts. There is plenty that you can see in Switzerland so you need to plan your visit beforehand. Here are some of the places you just cannot not miss.
Chillon Castle

Chillon Castle
Chillon Castle

It is one of the most famous castles in Switzerland located on the shore of Lake Geneva. It has around 100 buildings and all date way back to the 11th century related to the Savoy nobility.
Piz Gloria atop Schilthorn Mountain

Piz Gloria atop Schilthorn Mountain
Piz Gloria

2970 m above sea level
The Piz Gloria is a revolving restaurant atop the Schilthorn Mountain in the Swiss Alps. Apart from its unique location and structure, it is well known for having been used as the shooting site for one of James Bond’s movies, ‘On Her Majesty’s Service.’ The restaurant gives you a 360 degree view of the entire place even as you dine. It is definitely, one of the most spectacular sights in Switzerland.

Chalet in Switzerland

Chalet in Switzerland

No stay or visit in Switzerland is complete if you haven’t stayed in a chalet which is a traditional wooden house. It makes you feel very cozy and comfortable.
Geneva Jet D’eau

Geneva Jet D’eau, Tallest fountain in the world
Geneva Jet D’eau
Considered as a symbol of the land, the fountain is located in the heart of one of the main cities in Switzerland and projects water as high as 140 meters.
What not to miss out on in Switzerland
Mountain sports are one of the most popular pastimes in Switzerland. So, don’t miss out ice climbing, ski touring, glacier walking and snowboarding.
Do take a ride in one of the world’s highest aerial cable cars up the Little Matterhorn at Zermatt.
Enjoy some of the country’s street parades or theatre performances.
Go lake cruising or ferrying on lakes like Lake Zurich, Lake Geneva, or Lake Constance.
Travel by the Glacier Express, one of Europe’s greatest rail journeys.
Traveling in Switzerland
Traveling in Switzerland is one of the smoothest and comfortable things that you will ever experience here. The public transport is clean, clear and punctual. You can get discount options on tickets for buses, trains or bike rentals. Driving by car is also one of the best ways to explore the country.

All ATMs accept foreign cards so getting cash is no problem. Although Switzerland is not part of the European Union, almost all public places like restaurants, supermarkets and the like accept Euro. Of course, the currency basically used here is the Swiss franc.
Best Known Products

If you are here in Switzerland how can you not have a look or purchase some of the world’s best known Swiss watches (Rolex, Omega), the famous Swiss chocolates (Nestle is a Swiss company by the way), the delicious Swiss cheese and of course the impressive Swiss knives!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Top 10 best-loved legacy world

Buddhist site in Indonesia, the world's largest, City of Machu Picchu in Peru or the Taj Mahal in India is the natural place to tourists ecstatic.
Internet users around the world have voted on social networking sites and the architectural culture and natural heritage that they admire and want to admire. 
This is a top 10 world heritage sites published in the November National Geographic:
The most favorite legacy world
Growing rice terraces in Banaue on the hillside, north of Manila, Philippines.It is recognized as a UNESCO cultural heritage of the world since 1995 with the word review: Landscapes beautiful ancient culture show the harmony of man with nature, is a testament to the combination sustainable agriculture and traditional techniques.
The most favorite legacy world
  Chichen Itza in Mexico City symbolized by the pyramid of El Castillo. This city was the capital of the Mayan empire in Central America.
The most favorite legacy world
Mompox cities in Colombia to build since the 16th century under the colonial regime of Spain, recognized cultural heritage in 1995. In the figure are the families gathered in the city cemetery to pray for the deceased.
The most favorite legacy world
Phoenix Islands conservation zones in Kiribadi, the newly listed World Heritage Site this year.
The most favorite legacy world
Borodudur 1.200 year old temple in Indonesia, the world's cultural heritage since 1991. This is the largest Buddhist shrine in the world.
The most favorite legacy world
The ancient city of Petra in Jordan, the world's cultural heritage since 1985 - the legendary cities of Central Asia.
The most favorite legacy world
Taj Mahal - a tomb in white marble in India, the world's cultural heritage since 1983. This work style typical of Mughal architecture and is one of the most famous buildings in the world.
The most favorite legacy world
Great Barrier reef in Australia is recognized World Heritage Site since 1981. This is one where the greatest biodiversity on Earth.
The most favorite legacy world
Q Cambodia's Angkor, the world's cultural heritage since 1992. It was the capital of the ancient Khmer reign, brought the most unique architecture of the ancient world.
The most favorite legacy world
Machu Picchu Citadel - the largest archaeological heritage of the world in Peru, with the UNESCO list in 1983.