Tuesday, February 22, 2011

London is the capital of Europe's great

Paris - capital of light had to give way to No. 1 for "rivals" Made in the fog in every category, with scores far less.
London is the capital of Europe's great
London is very proud to be rated on tourism in Europe.
This is the information in the report by the Tourism Committee of Paris-Ile region of France (CTR) implementation is called "24 hours in a capital city." Report to London (the capital of England) 82 / 100 points, because attitude for international travelers. On the surface, such as food, public transport, scenic, London will be appreciated.
This result might be startled to Paris, because this ancient French are proud of their cuisine is exquisite in the world. Paris ranked second with Amsterdam of the Netherlands with 79 points. Rome (Italy) Madrid (Spain) and Rome (Italy) in the same class next position with 76 points. Berlin (Germany) ranks last among the top six with 74 points.
London is the capital of Europe's great
Paris flooded feelingly as "runner."
Public transport (train, bus ...) to reach 93 points.Taxi system to reach 84 points. Bus travel to 86 points. Transportation to the airport reached 90 points. Meanwhile, Paris is just the corresponding period 74-65 - 76-67 - 85. Public transport in Paris was assessed only on the average because it is difficult to buy train tickets and old, dirty.
Jean-Pierre Blat, president of CTR, said: "The survey reflects reality. Paris attracts many tourists, but also often complain so much."
Survey report on 116 items, from signage at the airport to museum quality. The only minus point for London is that people here do not know many foreign languages, mostly using English as their mother tongue. In the French capital, English, Italian and Spanish are used frequently.

Monday, February 7, 2011

USA Tour – Photos by Michael and Malin Börjesso

Bellagio Las Vegas
Bates Motel Universal Studios
Bates Motel Universal Studios
Big Sur California
Big Sur California
Disneyland Los Angeles California
Disneyland California
Grand Canyon 2
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon Arizona
Grand Canyon Arizona
Grand Canyon Sunset
Grand Canyon Sunset
Hoover Dam Nevada
Hoover Dam Nevada
Las Vegas Strip
Las Vegas Strip
New York Casino Las Vegas
New York Casino Las Vegas
Paris Casino Las Vegas
Paris Casino Las Vegas
Rocky Mountains
Rocky Mountains
Slugger Museum Louisville KY
Slugger Museum Louisville KY
Solvang California
Solvang California
Universal Studios Los Angeles CA
Universal Studios Hollywood California