Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Swiss Connection in Switzerland

 The Land of the Alps, Switzerland is one of the most famous tourist destinations in the entire world. It is bordered by countries like Germany, France, Austria and Italy and offers some of the most panoramic views giving you ample opportunities to ski, fish, hunt and do some boating. No wonder, people rush to Switzerland for a grand holiday, with many movies shooting some of their best shots here. It is also one of the richest countries in the world with numerous people having Swiss accounts. There is plenty that you can see in Switzerland so you need to plan your visit beforehand. Here are some of the places you just cannot not miss.
Chillon Castle

Chillon Castle
Chillon Castle

It is one of the most famous castles in Switzerland located on the shore of Lake Geneva. It has around 100 buildings and all date way back to the 11th century related to the Savoy nobility.
Piz Gloria atop Schilthorn Mountain

Piz Gloria atop Schilthorn Mountain
Piz Gloria

2970 m above sea level
The Piz Gloria is a revolving restaurant atop the Schilthorn Mountain in the Swiss Alps. Apart from its unique location and structure, it is well known for having been used as the shooting site for one of James Bond’s movies, ‘On Her Majesty’s Service.’ The restaurant gives you a 360 degree view of the entire place even as you dine. It is definitely, one of the most spectacular sights in Switzerland.

Chalet in Switzerland

Chalet in Switzerland

No stay or visit in Switzerland is complete if you haven’t stayed in a chalet which is a traditional wooden house. It makes you feel very cozy and comfortable.
Geneva Jet D’eau

Geneva Jet D’eau, Tallest fountain in the world
Geneva Jet D’eau
Considered as a symbol of the land, the fountain is located in the heart of one of the main cities in Switzerland and projects water as high as 140 meters.
What not to miss out on in Switzerland
Mountain sports are one of the most popular pastimes in Switzerland. So, don’t miss out ice climbing, ski touring, glacier walking and snowboarding.
Do take a ride in one of the world’s highest aerial cable cars up the Little Matterhorn at Zermatt.
Enjoy some of the country’s street parades or theatre performances.
Go lake cruising or ferrying on lakes like Lake Zurich, Lake Geneva, or Lake Constance.
Travel by the Glacier Express, one of Europe’s greatest rail journeys.
Traveling in Switzerland
Traveling in Switzerland is one of the smoothest and comfortable things that you will ever experience here. The public transport is clean, clear and punctual. You can get discount options on tickets for buses, trains or bike rentals. Driving by car is also one of the best ways to explore the country.

All ATMs accept foreign cards so getting cash is no problem. Although Switzerland is not part of the European Union, almost all public places like restaurants, supermarkets and the like accept Euro. Of course, the currency basically used here is the Swiss franc.
Best Known Products

If you are here in Switzerland how can you not have a look or purchase some of the world’s best known Swiss watches (Rolex, Omega), the famous Swiss chocolates (Nestle is a Swiss company by the way), the delicious Swiss cheese and of course the impressive Swiss knives!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Top 10 best-loved legacy world

Buddhist site in Indonesia, the world's largest, City of Machu Picchu in Peru or the Taj Mahal in India is the natural place to tourists ecstatic.
Internet users around the world have voted on social networking sites and the architectural culture and natural heritage that they admire and want to admire. 
This is a top 10 world heritage sites published in the November National Geographic:
The most favorite legacy world
Growing rice terraces in Banaue on the hillside, north of Manila, Philippines.It is recognized as a UNESCO cultural heritage of the world since 1995 with the word review: Landscapes beautiful ancient culture show the harmony of man with nature, is a testament to the combination sustainable agriculture and traditional techniques.
The most favorite legacy world
  Chichen Itza in Mexico City symbolized by the pyramid of El Castillo. This city was the capital of the Mayan empire in Central America.
The most favorite legacy world
Mompox cities in Colombia to build since the 16th century under the colonial regime of Spain, recognized cultural heritage in 1995. In the figure are the families gathered in the city cemetery to pray for the deceased.
The most favorite legacy world
Phoenix Islands conservation zones in Kiribadi, the newly listed World Heritage Site this year.
The most favorite legacy world
Borodudur 1.200 year old temple in Indonesia, the world's cultural heritage since 1991. This is the largest Buddhist shrine in the world.
The most favorite legacy world
The ancient city of Petra in Jordan, the world's cultural heritage since 1985 - the legendary cities of Central Asia.
The most favorite legacy world
Taj Mahal - a tomb in white marble in India, the world's cultural heritage since 1983. This work style typical of Mughal architecture and is one of the most famous buildings in the world.
The most favorite legacy world
Great Barrier reef in Australia is recognized World Heritage Site since 1981. This is one where the greatest biodiversity on Earth.
The most favorite legacy world
Q Cambodia's Angkor, the world's cultural heritage since 1992. It was the capital of the ancient Khmer reign, brought the most unique architecture of the ancient world.
The most favorite legacy world
Machu Picchu Citadel - the largest archaeological heritage of the world in Peru, with the UNESCO list in 1983.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

London is the capital of Europe's great

Paris - capital of light had to give way to No. 1 for "rivals" Made in the fog in every category, with scores far less.
London is the capital of Europe's great
London is very proud to be rated on tourism in Europe.
This is the information in the report by the Tourism Committee of Paris-Ile region of France (CTR) implementation is called "24 hours in a capital city." Report to London (the capital of England) 82 / 100 points, because attitude for international travelers. On the surface, such as food, public transport, scenic, London will be appreciated.
This result might be startled to Paris, because this ancient French are proud of their cuisine is exquisite in the world. Paris ranked second with Amsterdam of the Netherlands with 79 points. Rome (Italy) Madrid (Spain) and Rome (Italy) in the same class next position with 76 points. Berlin (Germany) ranks last among the top six with 74 points.
London is the capital of Europe's great
Paris flooded feelingly as "runner."
Public transport (train, bus ...) to reach 93 points.Taxi system to reach 84 points. Bus travel to 86 points. Transportation to the airport reached 90 points. Meanwhile, Paris is just the corresponding period 74-65 - 76-67 - 85. Public transport in Paris was assessed only on the average because it is difficult to buy train tickets and old, dirty.
Jean-Pierre Blat, president of CTR, said: "The survey reflects reality. Paris attracts many tourists, but also often complain so much."
Survey report on 116 items, from signage at the airport to museum quality. The only minus point for London is that people here do not know many foreign languages, mostly using English as their mother tongue. In the French capital, English, Italian and Spanish are used frequently.

Monday, February 7, 2011

USA Tour – Photos by Michael and Malin Börjesso

Bellagio Las Vegas
Bates Motel Universal Studios
Bates Motel Universal Studios
Big Sur California
Big Sur California
Disneyland Los Angeles California
Disneyland California
Grand Canyon 2
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon Arizona
Grand Canyon Arizona
Grand Canyon Sunset
Grand Canyon Sunset
Hoover Dam Nevada
Hoover Dam Nevada
Las Vegas Strip
Las Vegas Strip
New York Casino Las Vegas
New York Casino Las Vegas
Paris Casino Las Vegas
Paris Casino Las Vegas
Rocky Mountains
Rocky Mountains
Slugger Museum Louisville KY
Slugger Museum Louisville KY
Solvang California
Solvang California
Universal Studios Los Angeles CA
Universal Studios Hollywood California

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Eastern Cape – The Land of The Great Karoo

Filled with sunshine the whole year around, the Eastern Cape is one great place to go for a vacation. If it is the seaside you are searching for or beautiful greenery and unspoiled areas of natural beauty then, the Eastern Cape is the place for you. A great hit amongst people wanting to get away from hurried, strenuous city life, the Eastern Cape serves as a respite with its innumerable mountains, game reserves, beaches and beautiful landscape. It is the second largest of South Africa’s nine provinces with world famous leaders like Nelson Mandela born here.
Port Elizabeth

The Friendly City, Port Elizabeth
Friendly City, Port Elizabeth
The capital city of Eastern Cape is called so because it offers fun and attraction for families interested in a nice vacation filled with wildlife, nature trails and plenty of water sports. Port Elizabeth is the largest city on the coast between Cape Town and Durban.
Karoo Heartland

‘Dry heart’ of South Africa
‘Dry heart’ of South Africa
The large open spaces, the mountains, the towns and villages embedded with history and tradition and the beautiful sunsets personify all that is Eastern Cape in South Africa. The beauty of the rocky mountains and the succulents apart from the varies animals make a visit to Karoo Heartland a great experience.
Things to do
Don’t miss out on East London, the only river port city here filled with wide unending stretches of white beaches. The place boasts of its African lineage very harmoniously revealing its English and German connections too. People are very friendly here adding to your holiday pleasure.
Do visit Sunshine Coast that is filled with beaches, water sports, sheltered coves and the nature reserves. Its main charm is that it is yet to get commercialized unlike other tourist destinations.
Visit the Addo Elephant Park which also contains the Sundays River Valley a, crook formed within the Elephant Park.
Visit the Nelson Mandela Museum in Qunu which gives you an insight into the life of the man who freed mankind from the shackles of discrimination. See the Bhunga Building in Umtata, Mvezo, the birthplace of Mandela and Qunu, a village where the Youth and Heritage Center stands today.
Don’t miss Tsitsikamma which is a splendid piece of land surrounded by ancient trees and homes of wild animals. Gorges carve their way out through the mountains and trickle into clean streams, pools and even waterfalls. The Storms River is one such river. Canopy tours are available here.
Play with real lion cubs in the Seaview Lion Park in Port Elizabeth. Other animals like the giraffe, zebra, duiker monkeys and other species walk freely in this natural reserve.

Tstisikamma - ‘place of abundant water.’
Tstisikamma - place of abundant water
How to get there
The airports are at Port Elizabeth and East London. When you get into Eastern Cape, moving around in a car is the best option especially between cities and towns. Minibuses are also available for longer distances. The train service is best suited for areas like the Wild Coast for the beautiful scenery otherwise; road travel is the best here.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

America in the snow

Thousands of cattle pictures on snow, snow pressure off the tiny hole for the winter fishing is extremely impressive.  Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center this year is "innovation", lit with LEDs.
America in the snow
Buffalo wading in thick snow at Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming) looks no different from drawing on images of prehistoric caves.
America in the snow
Morning Glory Lake evaporation is hot, as opposed to creating snow scenes around.
America in the snow
Girls ski near the Capitol (Washington).
America in the snow
Ice on Lake Mendota, the state of Wisconsin.
America in the snow
Climb the ice in a lake Mendenhall (Alaska).
America in the snow
Joshua Tree Park in California after a storm.
America in the snow
The hundred year old trees growing on the red rocks dating back millions of years in Gods Garden Park (Colorado).
America in the snow
McCormick Tribune ice rink in the middle of Millennium Park (Chicago) attracted 100,000 visitors in the winter.
America in the snow
East Pierhead Lighthouse on Lake Michigan (Indiana).
America in the snow
On the tops Aspen in Colorado.
America in the snow
  Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center (New York) was lit. This year, with the spirit of environmental protection, human hair bulb is not used, instead LEDs with solar energy from the nearby buildings.
America in the snow
Cool scene at Mount Mary's heart numbness Peak (Oregon), 1,200 m high.
America in the snow
Sight fishing on Gull Lake snow (Minnesota).Each year, about 20,000 holes perforated on the lake in winter with about 9,000 people question the charity fishing contest.

According to NatGeo 

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Top 10 destinations of New York

With its skyscrapers, the largest library of modern and monumental stage in Broadway, New York is the city has many firsts in the U.S. and the world.
In numerous tourist destinations, top 10 iconic of New York for foreign visitors gathered in Manhattan.
Top 10 destinations of New York
Empire State Building at night
1. Empire State Building
Built in 1930-1931, this skyscraper is one of the most famous symbols of New York, is the context of every star of countless Hollywood films.
The building was inaugurated on 1-5-1931, 381m high (including the antenna as high as 448.7 m columns) with 102 floors. Top of the building is illuminated with different colors depending on the individual events, from National Day holidays to sporting events.
This observatory annual catch of about 3.5 million visitors.86 from the floor, visitors will launch sweeping views both bustling city all day and night.
2. Fifth Avenue (Highway No. 5)
Top 10 destinations of New York
Line shoppers do not always rest at Avenue 5
5th Avenue is the perfect blend of luxury shops and ambitious architecture.It is also an important road of downtown Manhattan and is one of the symbols of the wealth of New York.
According to many tourists, which is also known as Fashion Avenue attracts many famous fashion world has brought endless passion as they sunk into the world of high fashion one, though sometimes can not buy any item due to higher prices ...
3. Rockefeller Center
Top 10 destinations of New York
Skating rink at Rockefeller Plaza
As a definition dotted middle of the city, commercial complexes by the billionaire Rockefeller family built this building includes 19 magnificent gardens with romantic, luxury restaurants, an underground trade corridor , the magazine of the same theater offices and more than 100 works of art (wall paintings and statues) were displayed.
Rockfeller Center's program is always in the travel company through numerous seasonal events are held here, and especially, a restaurant and bar at Rockefeller Plaza in the summer will be "call processing" as a skating rink in the fall and winter.
Since 1936 to date, Rockfeller Center is one of the busiest of New York as a weekly average of 200,000 visitors to find. Number of visitors also increased sharply when the giant tree is lit ...
4. Statue of Liberty
Top 10 destinations of New York
  Statue of Liberty
French statue was awarded the U.S. in the late 19th century, located in the Hudson River overlooking New York Harbor, is one of the most famous symbols of America and is one of the first images of immigrants in the U.S. seen from the east.
The statue weighs 229 tons, 10.6 m wide back, 91cm wide mouth, hand held torch flame length 12.8 m, only one finger is 2.4 meters long  46m high statue of the whole body, if one includes the base has a total height of 93m.Statue intestinal spiral staircase, a similar high 12-storey house, to help visitors climb the statue area.
Part of the crown opening to admire the panoramic view of the city from September 7-2009, after temporarily closed since the terrorist attacks on the twin towers two 11-9-2001.
5.Ellis Island Immigration Museum (Museum of Immigration)
Top 10 destinations of New York
Migration Museum
The museum is located on the island of Ellis Island - where immigrants from Europe first steps to put the U.S. in 1892 to make "American Dream", and also from New York is becoming a multiethnic city today. Museums open to visitors starting from July 9-1990, after the restoration of the building to welcome immigrants previously completed
6. Theater District Times Square (Times Square) 
Top 10 destinations of New York
Times Square Times Square
  Is a neighborhood in Manhattan and was nicknamed "Intersection of the world", Times Square is one of the most famous and busiest lines like the world never stops flowing in a forest of twinkling lights.There are about 365,000 shoppers daily.
Also, Broadway town world famous as the stage gathered over 40 often spectacular performances of the musical quality ...
Every year, the majority of people in New York has a habit of pouring on the Times Square countdown to New Year period. Dated 31-12-1999, about two million people come to Times Square ceremony to celebrate the new millennium.
7.  Central Park (Central Park)
Top 10 destinations of New York
A corner of Central Park
The park is larger artificial 340 ha, is a green oasis in the heart of the city with a forest of concrete skyscrapers, is the largest green space in New York.  Almost any visitor to New York are once come to the park is located in this magnificent Manhattan.
In summer, the orchestra's New York performances held outdoors. From June to August every year, Summerstage festival held here have attracted many artists in the world to participate in outdoor concerts ...
  According to estimates by local authorities, every year about 25 million tourists sightseeing at Central Park. To ensure security for visitors, the park management has set the security department, including hundreds of police and volunteers regularly patrol.
8. Metropolitan Museum of Art
Top 10 destinations of New York
  Metropolitan Museum of Art is always busy travelers
Often referred to as The Met Museum, located in Manhattan, next to Central Park. Open to visitors starting from July 2-1872, this is one of the largest art museums in the world.  Visitors will take up every week to watch more than two million diverse art objects from around the world on display here.
This art museum owns the most beautiful collections in the Western world, next to the galleries of the ancient civilization of Greece and Rome, to the works of European masters .Visitors also find a treasure of art from Egypt, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Middle East, Islam ...
9.Guggenheim Museum
Top 10 destinations of New York
Spiral structure of the Guggenheim Museum
This is the address not to be missed for those who love contemporary art with full name Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. Guggenheim Museum.Location map of the museum are quite favorable when situated on Highway No. 5, of the Upper East Side.  Guggenheim Museum was originally called "Museum paintings three dimensional" and where exhibitions of contemporary artists and pioneers such as Kandinsky Piet Mondrian.
With spiral structure, the first step of visiting the museum at the top, then go down to the ground through a slightly inclined ramp.After the art show prize, visitors can stop in the restaurants, cafes or street view goods in three shops and bookstores on the campus museum.
10. American Museum of Natural History
Top 10 destinations of New York
Museum of the American Museum of Natural History
Famous for its fossil skeletons of dinosaurs, this museum is entering the era of the space center specializing Rose Earth and Space is extremely impressive. Museum of Natural History is the world's largest located opposite Central Park.
Open to guests since 1877, has 32 million museum artifacts and fossils on display in 45 galleries often open with over 1,200 service personnel.Besides the 47 rooms preserve the artifacts and work of 200 researchers.